Friday, April 27, 2012

Semester Farewells

Today was the last day of my spring semester of my sophomore year. I'm now officially done with two years of school. That is really exciting. I started this blog as an assignment for my blogging class this semester. My friend talked me into taking the class with her. I figured, hey I've blogged before, how hard can it be? 

Well, it definitely wasn't the hardest class I took, hello physics, but it was very time consuming. You wouldn't think so, but it was. Blogging five times a week, and searching for things to blog about, it's a lot of work. At the beginning of the semester, I wasn't thrilled about blogging so much, but I grew to like it. I love taking some time to sit back and search the web and then type up a post. I think I'm addicted. 

Though the semester is over and I don't have to run this blog anymore, I am going to. I like looking for gadgets and gizmos. It's something I have fun doing, and I hope you enjoy checking out all the weird and fun things I find. The thing is, I'm going to be working a lot this summer and going to school full time. I have a lot going on. So, I'm going to cut back a little and update three times a week from now on, unless I do another theme week. 

I hope everyone keeps coming back to see what new gadget I found even with the cutback. Hopefully, everyone will understand. If not, then I'm really sorry. Have a great summer.

(Oh, and if my professor is reading this by chance, thank you for a great class. I seriously learned a lot about blogging from you. I also found something I really love to do. Thanks. I'll see you in the fall. Have a great summer.)

1 comment:

  1. You did a wonderful job! I'm glad you'll keep blogging. I'm also glad this is not physics.

    Have a great summer. Hope it's gadget-filled!
