Friday, April 20, 2012

Tech Week Decline: 3D Glasses and Movie Theaters

3D Glasses

To me, 3D glasses are part of the experience of seeing a 3D movie. But, since 2011 new technologies have been created that might make 3D glasses a thing of the past. Toshiba released a notebook that's webcam can track eye movements to make 3D images. 3D televisions are beginning to be made now. These trendy glasses won't be around for much longer.

Movie Theaters

I haven't been to the movies in ages. I just really don't enjoy the experience anymore. When I was a kid, I loved to go see movies on the big screen. But now? I hate being surrounded by a bunch of people I don't know that are either talking to coughing the whole time. I don't like being cold in the over air-conditioned rooms. The floor is always sticky. The popcorn and drinks are over priced, and the tickets are $13 each! I can go buy the movie once it comes out for that much and enjoy it over and over again. Better yet, I can rent it from red box for a dollar and watch it with all my friends.

Years ago when home televisions first came out, people thought that movie theaters would die off. But, they didn't. Some may say that they will still stick around, but with rising prices and the development of home televisions with HD and 3D, I think it's time. The prices are just too high for the average family to go to the movies together. Why spend $50 dollars to go to one movie when you can spend $2.99 to stream it to your TV to watch in the comfort of your own home?

What do you think? Do you still like going to the movie theater? What about 3D glasses? Will you miss them?

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