Monday, April 23, 2012

Nooks, Kindles, and E-Readers

Pictures on cave walls. Words on stones. Story tellers. Manuscripts. Books. E-readers?

This is the the condensed path that stories have taken over the years. Since the invention of the printing press, novels and stories have been written down on paper and bound together in books. I love books. If there was something stronger than love then I would use that to refer to my feelings for my books. I have books that fill up two bookcases in my room. I have five or six cases full of books downstairs in my basement waiting for the library of the house I will one day buy. (My mom made me box them up.) 

Now a lot of people are reading their books in a different format though. They are reading the words through screens on nooks, kindles, and other e-readers. As a lover of books, this makes me really sad. But as a child of the technology age, I thing they are rather neat. I must even admit, that I have a nook. 


Nooks are the e-readers from Barnes and Noble. I got my nook when it first came out. It was a graduating present from my dad. I think the design is very simple and easy to use. There is a touch screen at the bottom that lets you get where ever you need to go. You can put audio books on here and also play chess if you are bored in the car. I personally really like me nook. It works well. The battery lasts for a good bit of time. It's light. Its clean looking. It's just a very great design and product. 


I have two friends that have a Kindle. I have used it before to see how it works. I'm personally not a fan of it. I like my nook. But their design is rather nice too. The only thing I really see as different then the nook is that it has a keyboard. I suppose this is good for anyone who isn't used to a touch pad or anyone who would rather have a keyboard.

There are a number of other E-Readers out there. Sony has one, actually a lot of companies have one. I'm not going to go through each one because I don't know anyone who has these brands.

You can also get an app to download ebooks through your phone or tablet. This is actually kind of nice because it comes in handy when you are out and end up waiting somewhere for a long period of time and all you have is your phone. I don't use it often but it's nice to have sometimes.

To be honest, I like my nook but I would rather have a book in my hand. I'm just a fan of books. I like the different covers and the amount of work that goes into creating it. I like seeing the spines of books to see the author, publishing company, and title of the book. I like physically holding the book in my hand to feel the weight of the paper and the words in my hand. I love holding a book and knowing that it might take me on a journey or might hold something that has the potential to change the world. I love feeling the pages beneath my fingers. I love physically turning the page. I love feeling the weight of how much I have read and how much I have left. I love seeing this accomplishment in the amount of pages physically and not just a number at the bottom of a screen. I love books. I love everything about them. I'm just a book girl I guess. It comes with being a known nerd. 

Do you like E-Readers? Do you like them better than books? Let me know.

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