Tuesday, May 1, 2012

45 til Insanity

This isn't really a gadget or a gizmos, so my apologies. It is still really cool though. Well, I think it's cool. So, I am sharing. 

I was browsing the interwebs last night looking for something to blog about for today, and I found this article

Basically, it talks about the place pictured above. It's a really small room that is located in Minnesota. This room can block out 99% of all outside noise. Can you even imagine that? No birds chirping outside your window. No wind blowing. No rain hammering the roof. No anything. That's pretty cool. 

The cooler part, to me, is the part where people can't take it for more than 45 minutes. That's right. If someone sits in there for more than 45 minutes then they can go nuts. My first thought was, psh yea right. I could sit in there longer. Then I read the reason why people go nuts, and I realized I probably would too.

The article says, "When it's quiet, ears will adapt. The quieter the room, the more things you hear. You'll hear your heart beating, sometimes you can hear your lungs, hear your stomach gurgling loudly. ‘In the anechoic chamber, you become the sound.' And this is a very disorientating experience. Mr Orfield explained that it's so disconcerting that sitting down is a must. He said: ‘How you orient yourself is through sounds you hear when you walk. In the anechnoic chamber, you don't have any cues. You take away the perceptual cues that allow you to balance and manoeuvre. If you're in there for half an hour, you have to be in a chair."

I'm not one to be grossed out easily, but no thanks. I'll pass. Plus apparently our brains can't take it either because sitting in this room leads to many hallucinations. People begin hearing sounds that aren't there. They start becoming delusional just to block out the noise of their own heartbeats and other bodily functions.

Still, that's pretty cool. What do you think? How long could you take it?

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