Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blue Little Nightmares

When I was a kid, there were this ugly little furry things that were very popular one Christmas. If I remember correctly, they weren't popular for very long. When they first came out, we all thought they were so adorable. Then we bought one. They were a nightmare. Not only were they super scary, but they didn't shut off easily or break. I distinctly remember trying to turn my Furby off but it kept crying. Then I threw it against the wall because to be honest, I was hoping it would die. It was quiet long enough for me to take a breath and relax before it started telling me it was hungry again. They were called Furby's. They scared the crap out of me when I was little. Today, I was watching a show and a commercial came on. Guess what? They're back...


This is the new Furby...

Not only is the new Furby a very bright blue, but it's eyes glow. How creepy is that? The Furby can interact with an iPhone or iPad, so that the owner can feed the creature or translate it's language.These Furby's also have personalities that you can unlock. These little creatures have no off button, and unlike the old version, if you take out the batteries, the Furby doesn't reset. The only way to turn it off is to put it asleep by sticking it in a dark place. From personal experience, the darkest part of space is not dark enough for these little guys. 

Apparently, if you get a group of Furby's together they can even interact with each other. Um, no thanks. We don't need Furby's getting together and taking over the world. 

These little blue Furby's have already hit the shelves and they cost about $60. Do your kid, niece, nephew, or grandchild a favor and walk past them. First off, they aren't worth that kind of money. Second off, if kids today are anything like my generation, they won't like them either. I'm all for bringing back old toys and making them cool again, but from now on can we steer clear of Furby's? The little guys are just a little too creepy for me.